Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Using URL Rewriting For More Friendly Links

As part of an application we're developing at work, I recently did some research on whether it was possible to make the links to items, categories, etc., more friendly to search engines. The links we currently have are something like this: /website/productdetails.aspx?productid=123456. Basically, we pass in a product ID to the productdetails.aspx page. However, it would be nicer to have something more like /website/item/123456/rewritten-item-description.aspx.

I did some research and came up with some code that will work, and not be too intrusive to the rest of the code, or require any changes in IIS. First, we'll add a property to the items that returns a link in the correct format, so that we don't have to duplicate that code in the various places we show the link. To convert the item description to something that looks like a filename, I came up with the following method:

private string CreateLink(string prefix, string id, string description)
String format = "{0}/{1}/{2}.aspx";
String fixedDescription = "";
fixedDescription = description.Trim().Replace(" ", "-").Replace("&", "and").Replace("/", "-");

Regex nonWord = new Regex(@"[^\w\-]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
fixedDescription = nonWord.Replace(fixedDescription, "");

fixedDescription = DeAccentCharacters(fixedDescription);

return String.Format(format, prefix, id, fixedDescription);

This strips out any non-word characters, replaces spaces and slashes with dashes, ampersands with the word "and" and converts accented characters to their non-accented counterparts (that part is done in DeAccentCharacters(), which I won't post, since it just uses a pre-made lookup table, and isn't that interesting). It then prefixes the name with the prefix and id, basically coming up with what I showed above.

Now that we have links in the correct format, we need to interpret them. Note that it looks like we have a couple of directories there ("item" and "123456") that don't actually exist. We need to intercept the request for this page before ASP.NET has a chance to complain about it not existing. To do that, we add some code in the Global.cs class in the App_Code directory. First, in the Application_Start() method, add this, anywhere in the method:


This will set up a list of URL rewriting rules, using regular expressions. Then, in Application_BeginRequest(), add this as the first line, before anything else you may be doing:


This calls a new method that interprets the rules created in SetupRewriteRules() and rewrites the URL in the request accordingly.

Next, add this class to the file (at the end is preferable):

private class RewriteRule
private Regex rule;
private String rewrite;

public RewriteRule(String ruleRegex, String rewriteText)
rule = new Regex(ruleRegex, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
rewrite = rewriteText;

public String Process(String path)
Match match = rule.Match(path);

if (match.Success)
return rule.Replace(path, rewrite);

return string.Empty;

Next, add a static list to hold these and the SetupRewriteRules() method:

private static List<RewriteRule> rules = new List<RewriteRule>();

private void SetupRewriteRules()
rules.Add(new RewriteRule("Item/([^/]*)/(.*).aspx", "/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=$1"));

We have more rules, but I'll just show this one. Note that the first parameter is a regular expression that matches "Item/item ID/filename.aspx". The second parameter is what to replace that with. In this case, it takes the first match (the item ID, enclosed in the first set of parentheses), and puts it where the "$1" is in the URL.

Finally, add the RewriteURL() method:

private void RewriteURL()
foreach (RewriteRule rule in rules)
String subst = rule.Process(HttpContext.Current.Request.Path);
if (subst.Length > 0)

This code iterates through each rule, and if it finds one that matches, it calls RewritePath() using the rewritten URL. This is what actually translates the "friendly" URL into something that works with our application. The great part is that it is totally transparent to the user; they never see the rewritten URL. Postbacks still work fine as well.

I realize there are other ways to do this, like ASP.NET MVC, but our application is pretty much already written, and I'm not wild about going back and redoing it in a totally new technology. This can be retrofitted onto the app without too much pain, and could even be turned off or on with a config file setting if needed.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Red Gate Buys .NET Reflector

In a post on his blog today, Lutz Roeder announced that he has sold .NET Reflector to Red Gate Software. This is an indispensible tool for any .NET developer (I can't believe I left it off my list earlier!). I hope Red Gate will continue to support it, especially the free version. We use several of their products at work, and they are a good company, so I have high hopes for it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Favorite Computer Books

I believe all good developers should keep up to date with technology, and one good way to do this is to read technical books. I realize there is a lot of information available on the internet these days, and many people think they can get everything they need from there. However, for some topics, a well-written book is a much better option. With that, here's a list of books that have been useful and/or influential in my programming career:
Note that several of these books are not focused on a specific technology, and thus won't go out of date as soon as a lot of computer books will. I think that's important when deciding what books to buy, especially if you're on a budget. Try and find a book that will last more than the year or so that many tightly-focused books will.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Debugging ASP.Net AJAX Pages

If you've done any ASP.Net AJAX development, you've probably run into the following error message while debugging (Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException: The server request timed out):

This happens because the default timeout for asynchronous processing is 90 seconds. This is a reasonable default, and really, nothing in an asynchronous request should take that long. However, if you're stepping through code of any complexity, you can easily exceed that limit. You can fix this by setting the timeout on your script manager, like this:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="MainScriptManager" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" AsyncPostBackTimeout="3600" />

However, you probably don't want that in production. There is also a way to set this in your code-behind, and do it conditionally, based on whether your pages are running in debug mode or not. If you've been doing ASP.Net development for any amount of time you are probably aware that you shouldn't run your production site in with debug enabled in the web.config file. So, how do you tell if that is enabled? In that link, Scott Guthrie mentions that you can use HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled to tell. So, the code to set this would look like this:

// if we're running debug mode, increase the async timeout to 1 hour.
// this allows stepping through code without timing out on the front end.
if (HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled)
MainScriptManager.AsyncPostBackTimeout = 3600;

This only increases the timeout if you're running in debug mode. I've implemented this in one of our products, and it has worked great.